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Current Creation Time

Current Creation Time (or turn around time) on NEW orders:

Approximately 8-10 business weeks




How it works:

Creation time STARTS once we receive and CHECK-IN your package!
We do our best to keep current creation times updated. HOWEVER, these times CAN very and are not guaranteed! There are a number of uncontrollable variables that can effect the time frame of how quickly we can complete and ship an order. Unfortunately, we are unable to give order updates or we would not have time to actually create your keepsakes.  Please be patient and understand that this is a precious art form that has a specific process. Each order takes time to carefully create a beautiful keepsake for you! We promise it will be worth the wait! 
Once we receive your element package and it has been checked-in, you will receive an automated email along with a reminder of approximate turn around time and any questions we may have.
Please allow up to one business week for your notification email as we only chick-in packages once each week. (They are dated and numbered as they arrive to keep them "in order").